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FareShare’s Theory of Change:

How we strengthen communities through food.

The Problem

Every year, millions of tonnes of good to eat surplus food is wasted across the UK, accounting for more than its weight in greenhouse gas emissions.

Meanwhile, millions of people are facing food insecurity.

What FareShare Does

We make sure good food gets to the people who need it most.

With the support of our funders, food partners, charities, and volunteers, FareShare is taking food that would go to waste and using it for good to strengthen communities and positively impact lives.

The Difference We Make

Report increased confidence, skills, physical and mental health.

Improve their food provision, increase reach, services & capacity.

Have healthier diets, reduced financial strain and social isolation.

Have improved health and wellbeing.

Experience less stigma.


Less food goes to waste. Less waste of greenhouse gas emissions and water.

Our Vision

Maximise the social value of surplus food to better support individuals to improve their physical and mental wellbeing, social inclusion, and food security.

Reduce the negative environmental impact of surplus food.

Awards Shortlistings

Campaign Team of the Year
Best Environmental Purpose Campaign and Public Affairs
Communications Campaign of The Year
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